
“I’m always stressed.”

“I can’t relax.”

You’ve got a lot going on. Your job is demanding, your personal life has taken a back seat, your relationships are not where you want them to be. You’re finding it more and more impossible to fit it all in. You wonder why it’s so easy for everyone else. Why can’t you get it together? You compare yourself to the unrealistically high standards that you see on social media. You’ve lost connection with yourself to the point that you don’t even recognize yourself. You seem stuck in a loop of doing things for other people while neglecting your own needs. You feel on edge and exhausted at the same time. You may also be experiencing some of the following:

  • Struggling to make decisions

  • Focusing on worst-case-scenarios

  • Assuming everyone is thinking and talking negatively about you

  • Replaying situations in your head and beating yourself up

  • Difficulty setting and keeping boundaries

  • Saying “yes” to others while saying “no” to yourself

  • Over-committing to the point of exhaustion

  • Procrastinating to avoid the possibility of failure

  • Perfectionism

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Trust or jealousy issues

  • Financial stress

  • Irritability

  • Poor emotion regulation

  • Panic attacks (racing heart, hyperventilating, shaking, chest pain/tightness, dizziness, headache)

You deserve to live your life fully — to not let these struggles rule your life.

Maybe you’ve been considering therapy for a while but keep putting it off and pushing through. Therapy can help, not only now, but it can make a lasting impact that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

In our work together, I will meet you right where you are. We will explore what is happening for you right now, how you got here, how you can heal, and where there is room for changes that will set you on the path to creating the life you’ve always envisioned. Don’t wait.